Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Nice Living Space



  1. Need a longer vacuum hose if you wanna clean all that dust off the top of them beams.

  2. The bean bags reminded me of when I was oilfield trash in the early 80's before the boom quit and we all had to get real jobs. A guy I worked with lived for years in a 2 bedroom apt. in which he only the following furniture: a recliner, two TV trays, one of which supported a lamp, and a TV stand with TV, and for times that he had company, a bean bag chair and a mattress, no box springs or frame. You really don't need much furniture when you're single and working around the clock without any days off like we were.

    1. We could use a little more oilfield trash working around the clock and a little less soy boys living in mom's basement right now.

  3. The bean bag chairs were comfortable to sit in, but (for me), hell to rise up from them with any dignity (especially if I had been drinking). A 'Yakkity Sax' sound track would have been appropriate is all I'm saying.
