Saturday, September 3, 2022

Need - for the Everest trip!



  1. I love mine!
    The blade protector is just extra weight that's unneeded if you are careful.

  2. As hard (read almost impossible) to get a full sized helicopter to fly in that area I doubt this done would fly at all.

    1. I doubt that any small heli-drone is going to fly at the summit of Everest. twenty eight thou and then some is quite trying for a helicopter, an aerodynamicist would say it needs longer and broader blades. I would be willing to bet the winds aloft at everest, which are never calm, will exceed the airspeed of any small heli-drone.
      on the other hand, bad enough to climb it with a six pack of beer along to celebrate with, who is going to be nuts enough to carry a drone along with them for that ultimate selfie?

  3. consider taking a drone up to the top of a fourteener first, like Mt Evans, to see what it does.

  4. Mini has a ceiling of 11,000ft, IIRC. Haven't tested that. Winds at higher elevation would be a major factor. Top speed of the Mini is 28mph. With winds higher than that, drone goes bye-bye

    1. I own one and winds are a bitch. On calm days I can get >35 minutes fly time (and over a mile away).
      Windy days, not so much.

  5. If I understood correctly a few years ago, Mavic is Chinese, if that matters to anyone.

  6. Yeah, is there any small drive that is NOT Chinese? Would love to buy one if so.
