Saturday, September 10, 2022




  1. I'm ashamed of myself for only being able to recognize Shepherd, Glenn and Grissom and I'm 72.

  2. Don't recognize any of them... am an immigrant shortly after Apollo was abandoned (but before Apollo Loco). A couple of millennia from now if one person's name from the last millennium will be remembered, it will likely be Niel Armstrong.

  3. Left to right
    Top row Schirra, Shepherd
    Middle row Glenn, Carpenter, Slayton
    Bottom row Cooper, Grissom

  4. They were stars, heroes, icons; a part of the culture. Little kids wanted to grow up to be astronauts.

  5. I know I did.
    Then, shortly before I graduated, I watched the Challenger disaster from my backyard. I had seen enough shuttle launches to know something didn't look right.
    I went inside to hear what "the experts" on TV had to say, only to hear them say
    "That doesn't look right...".
    I went into the oil exploration business instead, and found my true calling.

  6. There was once a day when almost every American kid knew the names of the astronauts orbiting the planet at the time of any given mission.

  7. Years ago I read an autobiography by John Glenn. Extremely egotistical man, really ticked off that Neil Armstrong went to the moon instead of him.

  8. Knew all the names, but only got 4/7 matched correctly.
