Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Great Name



  1. New York City? What are going to do surf the East River? If so I hope the store sells Kevlar wet suits with an added anti-bacterial coating.

    1. that store was originally at Perry and Waverly Place (they had coffee), now at Crosby.

  2. So, I went to school at the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO, and I lived in the dorms for all 4 years. One of the things about living in the dorms was parking. I never wanted one of the last parking spots, way back on the "Back 40".

    Anyway, I never met him, and I'll presume it was a "him", who on move-in day of my freshman year parked his van with a Florida license plate in the parking spot third in line to being closest to the building. And he kept it there all year. It never moved....not once.

    And he had a surf board on a rack on top.

    Why someone would bring a surf board to Colorado is more than I know. Maybe this same guy opened up that surf shop in NYC. I wish him well, but it looks like an incredibly niche market.

  3. Its schtick. Its a come on. Its not a surf shop. Its probably a coffee place or bar for the hippsters. The debonair Manhattanites use all that is real as adornments in their droll lives. Like a Saguaro in a New York flat, the real become props to the artificial.
