Friday, September 23, 2022

Giant lizard climbs window of Florida home. I'll take California and the earthquakes anytime.

Imagine that getting into the house and you step on it on the way to the can in the middle of the night.


  1. I'd say wherever you've managed to step on one of those unexpectedly is where your bathroom is now located.

  2. Looks like a Komodo monitor lizard to me. Cousin of the Komodo Dragon and known to be on the run in Florida.

  3. I hate those CA snake lizards.

  4. Having been born, raised, and worked in SoCal from 1947 to 2002, I can say I would rather have to deal with the lizard than earthquakes. I have experienced several earthquakes-very unpleasant. Mr. Lizard can be terminated with extreme prejudice using sidewalk surgery provided by Doctor Mossberg. Just sayin`. - DWEEZIL THE WEASEL

  5. The poor critter is just lonely. Go out and scratch his head.

  6. I thought the immigrants in FL had that lizard population under control.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I was staying in an hotel in Thailand back in the last century (Lord, I'm getting old), a young couple came into the bar, the girl was almost hysterical. It turned out that there were 'actual' lizards in their room. Now, I'm a mischievous old so-and-so and tried to help the situation by pointing out that they keep the poisonous spiders away.

  9. Living off base on Oahu in the early 80s everybody let geckos have the run of their apartments….result being no roaches.

  10. I'll never forget my first night in the barracks at Pearl Harbor. I was awakened out of a sound sleep by this blood curdling screech from inside my room. I turned on the light, but couldn't tell what or where it was coming from. This repeated itself several times until I finally figured it out. It was a small lizard up in one corner of the window screen. I found out later it was a gecko and they were considered very good to have around. I got used to them.

    Mine was a cute little fellow with a greenish tint and an Australian accent. ;-)
