Saturday, September 3, 2022

DJI Mavic 3 - Flying Over Mount Everest. - Wow! Now I wanna go!


  1. I have a Mavic Mini. Goes with me everywhere. Pocket sized aerial photography/videography. Mavic 3 is quite a bit larger but as the video indicates, still quite portable.

  2. How many have climbed now? A couple hundred thousand?

  3. Throwing the BS flag.
    I'm not buying that it has a service ceiling of 30K'.

    Its posted limit is 6000M (<20K').

    Did somebody fly one around the slopes of Everest, on the approaches? Sure.
    Over the top of the peak?
    Not bloody likely.

    Bait and switch, in the same way Newfoundland to Ireland was not New York to Paris in the 1920s.
