Saturday, September 17, 2022

Chuck Norris in the U.S. Air Force (1958)



  1. Chuck's brother, Wieland was killed in the Nam.

  2. Too bad Norris didn't get into one of the military services.

    1. Nothing beats being cannon fodder in the infantry, eh?

    2. Im with Msgt (ret)

  3. Nobody cares is someone was in the Air Force.

    1. Fuck you Survivorman99

      MSgt (Ret.), USAF

    2. Best you can say about the Air Force is that it is para-military. It does a great job at projecting air power, but, face it, it isn't very military; this from someone who spect 15 years at Wright-Patt.

    3. I was USAF. I was also jump qualified and not a PJ. I was never assigned to a unit that had tail numbers. I spent 13 years assigned to CENTCOM in Joint Services. I was on the fist plane to a lot of shitholes anytime something went down. Not all of the jobs in the USAF were fluff supporting tail numbers. So a a big Foxtrot Uniform to Survivormann99 and the Anon who was at Wright-Patt.

    4. I am a little late to this, but my dad’s brother was USAAF in 1945. He left on a B-29 for the first fire bombing mission against Tokyo. He didn’t make it back. The Air Force members bleed and die for their country just like the other branches.

  4. Norris' first exposure to martial arts was when he was stationed in Korea with USAF Air Police (nowadays we call them Security Forces).

    1. Chuck's Master: " Grandmaster Ki Yun Yi is a native of Yong In, South Korea, and spent his childhood years in a country devastated by the Korean War. At the age of nine, shortly after the war ended, he began his training in Tang Soo Do as a means of survival and self-protection. Among his early instructors were Master Song Si Kim, founder of the World Dang Soo Do Union, and Master Jae Chul Shin, founder of the World Tang Soo Do Association.
      Grandmaster Yi excelled in martial arts and received his first degree black belt at the age of twelve. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s he taught Tang Soo Do at the Osan Air Force Base in South Korea. He also distinguished himself in national competition, and in 1970 won the Korean National Championship. In a country with limited educational and economic opportunities, his career in martial arts was the vehicle that allowed Grandmaster Yi to emigrate to the United States in 1973"

  5. As a member of the governance caste, one's religious obligation includes service in the governance systems of the country in which one lives. Hence I served in the US Army and the US Navy: as an immigrant, the caste obligation remains until it is discharged.

  6. I enlisted in 1972 to beat the draft, I was a liquid Fuels System Maintenance Specialist, basic plumbing skills only with AV Gas. I had a toolbox full of non-sparking tools, and a top secret security clearance. The scariest thing I ever did was working On a LOX (liquid oxygen) tank. During basic we went to a class to learn ranks the instructor told us that a four star General ranked just below an Airman Basic.

  7. This was the day Russia realized they couldn't win the Cold War.

    Chuck Norris wasn't shaved for AF boot camp. His drill sergeants allowed him to donate his beard to DuPont. Now you know where kevlar came from.

    When Chuck joined the Air Force, multiple countries stopped putting guns on fighters, and switched to high explosive missiles instead.

    The bomb bay of the B-58 was designed to be big enough to drop Chuck Norris onto an enemy target.

    Lockheed assembly line workers used to paint dotted lines along the fuselages of SR-71s at the wing roots, to keep the wings from coming off, because nothing tears along the dotted line.
    When they heard about this, McDonnell Douglas workers painted Chuck Norris' face on the fuselages of F-15s, because no one shoots down Chuck Norris.

  8. When Chuck Norris does push ups He is pushing the earth down.
