Wednesday, September 21, 2022

1911 Happiness



  1. mine, a 1911, not an A1, lanyard ring, rolled "Alabama Nat'l Guard". Shot sideways, stolen.

  2. back in the early '70s they were finally starting to tear down the T buildings - the barracks from the Beetle Bailey cartoons - from WWII. A guy was sent into the t buildings to see if there was anything that needed to be recovered before the crews arrived

    He found a crate of 200 .45s, and a crate of 24 Thompsons. I can see it now, little devil on one shoulder "shut up and take them all!"

    1. we built a film set in the park slope armory, brooklyn, found a lot of m16 mags, hicap pistol mags, etc.

  3. A buddy of mine back in the Army in the early 70's. Told me a story of when he was getting back from Nam and was staying in an old WWII barracks in Hawaii for a while. The MPs came through and told everybody to ditch any and all contraband now or else.... Some how he stashed a 1911 in the rafters of the barracks and always wondered what happened to it. My dad was on new New Guinea during WWII. Once when he was in the back of a deuce and a half. A crate of 45's fell off the truck. His buddy, who became a brother in law after the war. Grabbed one before they patched the crate up and put it back on the truck. The future uncle sent the pistol home in the full body cast of a fellow North Carolinian who had been severely injured in a crash of his B-25 and was headed states side. The uncle was able to retrieve the .45 once he got home from the war. When my uncle died my dad tried like hell to find the pistol, but never could.

  4. 1911 is as much an example of timeless beauty as any painting, sculpture or work of art.

  5. If the slide was still tight I see it as an expensive 1911 that has the idiot scratch. The expensive part would be the parts I would swap out to get it to my dad's minimal standards. He was a 1911 fanatic that believed almost every 1911 could be improved.

    I have a 5 year old cerakoted Colt Government in 9mm. The guy I bought it from gave it the idiot scratch and said he only fired 2 magazines through it. I had it cerakoted and changed the trigger back when I bought it 4 years ago. That was 50k rounds ago. I have put another 5k rounds since the 45K re-spring. It is a great range gun.
