Wednesday, July 20, 2022

This is insanity on steroids. A certain political party - and you know which one - must never be allowed in power again.

 The goal of gaining public acceptance for eating insects instead of meat is now part of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) effort The larger climate change objective is to “transition” the global food supply away from cows, pigs and chickens, and toward a more sustainable lifestyle of eating insects and bugs.   Farmers in North American and Europe are facing massive regulatory changes as part of the Build Back Better or Green New Deal initiatives.

In the U.S. Joe Biden has pledged his entire administration effort toward the goal of reducing U.S. carbon emissions and protecting the planet.  Part of that initiative includes the need to change the diet of Americans away from traditional farm proteins, and toward sustainable alternatives via bugs and/or insects like cockroaches, crickets and grasshoppers.

A comprehensive marketing, branding and image campaign is underway to change the public perception toward an acceptance of sustainable algae and bugs as food sources.  Public Broadcasting (PBS) is part of that imitative.



  1. The criminal commie left is in charge. They intend to stay in charge and they intend to ram their agenda down our throats.....those of us who survive their scheme to decimate the existing population. The nasty teeth is we aer goin to Have to exterminate untold numbers of THEM to restore any semblance of freedom. They will NOT give up, go away of quit trying to impose their NIGHTMARE on this planet.

  2. We're doomed because the Progressives are Neurotic, Obsessive, Control Freaks who live and breathe 24/7/365 their rabid desire to make their ideological dream come true for every person on the planet. They are not open to negotiate. They want to dominate. Meanwhile us Conservatives are strolling along in our fantasy world of "Can't we all get along, good always triumphs over evil".

  3. The Elite will still eat Filet Mignon.

    The time for guillotines in the public square is coming soon.

  4. Take the bugs and feed them to pigs. Pigs will eat them and turn the bug protein into sweet, sweet pig meat. Take the ribs from the pig and put them in a smoker for 4 hours at 225 degrees F. Eat the ribs and never listen to NPR again. (They never had anything good except for Car Talk anyway) Raise your middle finger towards Washington D.C. 5 times daily.

  5. I will wait until I see all my elected officials gobbling a nice big, crunchy bowl of cockroaches- live and in person- everyday for a month, before I will even THINK about ingesting a single bug.
    And to prove to us that it is actually good, they can have a parfait of ticks and leeches with a cherry on top for desert.


  6. As Mark Levin once asked a caller, "what are they eating in Utopia?" Yeah you know, N. Korea! They are on their hands and knees eating bugs and weeds!"

  7. When do you think they'll secretly start cutting 80/20 ground beef with 20% bugs?
    They'll start slow, with 1", then bump it up to 5% after a few months, by the next election it will be 20%. After a new dem is elected they'll go full monty, 100%.

  8. pull the plug on the demons.

  9. Germany is closing its last three nuclear power plants. Nothing wrong with them, Perfectly safe, but they’re claiming they can’t get anymore uranium from Russia because of the war. I suppose Russia is the only country in the world that can produce uranium for control rods. (!) However they are going to be short on energy (amazing!) So they just authorized expanding the use of… wait for it… Coal.

    Yes, climate change policy is a scam.

    Let them eat bugs.

  10. FJB and all his sycophants.

  11. Bug Lives Matter

    1. Hilarious, limb chickens and filled mignon of the sky for me or that wascally wabbit

  12. Gotta be better than bean curd!

  13. Think about the infrastructure needed to grow and process that many bugs for food or as Bill Gates wants veggie meat. Much harder than giving a cow 3 acres of grass and waiting 20 months. Currently we spend 15 fossil fuel calories for 1 calorie of food. We do need to change our food production system to one that is more distributed (Can be done with regenerative ranching - see Greg Judy and Joel Salatin). We would have to be willing to eat more meat and less veg (Meat is healthy, it is carbs and sugar that are the health crisis. Giving diabetics insulin as their insulin resistance increases is on par with the Vaxx - [Read Why we Get Fat])

    This isn't about saving the planet or helping people be healthy, nor is it control freaks. It is evil trying to humiliate us and coerce us into being stupid.

  14. I'll eat a democrat socialist first. Problem fixed!

  15. Suddenly, Soylent Green doesn't sound that far off.
