Saturday, July 16, 2022

NorCal Challengers drive to Burney

There was a car show up in the little mountain burg of Burney today, and some of the NorCal Challengers drove up from Redding to attend.

Stopped at the boneyard in Round Mountain for pictures.

Later, Mrs. CW and I stopped at Chatty Kathy's there in Burney and got some milk shakes for the drive back, then took the back roads past Lassen to Redding.
One big loop drive on a sunny day in the orange car.

There was a surprising, to me, amount of snow on the east facing side of Lassen.  Not a lot of snow, but more than I expected.  It was 91 up on Hat Creek, 106 back home in Redding.

Great way to spend a sunny hot Saturday in July.


  1. There's a guy (or maybe a gal) that lives down the road from me with a bright lime green Challenger. I bet you can see that thing from the ISS.

  2. You should have stopped at the Hat Creek Volunteer Fire Department BBQ on your way out of Burney. It’s held the 3rd Saturday in July every year. Brisket from R&R is slow cooked in a deep pit overnight. It’s a great event - stop by next year!

  3. In 1974 my friend Bill and I were traveling on Highway 299 near Burney when we hit a rockslide and messed up my car badly. We limped into Burney with flames visible from the busted manifold. We were college kids with hair over our collars and that didn’t set well with the local rednecks at a time when the Viet Nam war was winding down. We were the enemy, and as such, not one mechanic in the tiny town would help us. Finally, a CHP officer stopped nearby. He ignored me. Finally, he told us to get lost. “We’d love to, but…”
    I used up my last quarters in the pay phone to call the next nearest town of Fall River Mills (it was a long-distance call!) and got a tow truck to come out. When the guy saw us, he was majorly p.o.’d because he “doesn’t help ‘hippies.’” But he’d traveled a long way, so he was stuck with us. It took a major public relations effort on the part of Bill and me, but in the end we developed a great rapport with the mechanic and his wife. The wife even made dinner for us while the car was getting fixed, since it was late by the time we arrived. In their living room I saw a folded flag and wondered if their son hadn’t been killed in Viet Nam. They helped us immensely. They were astonished to meet long-haired kids were so patriotic and God-fearing. It was an experience that neither they nor I will ever forget.
