Sunday, July 24, 2022

Chain Drives and Solid Rubber Tires



  1. Still got about 10000 left on her…

  2. Is that for a belt to power a generator ? Remember that "Predator' movie scene having a Model A Ford pickup that was used in the rebel camp.

    My wife's 2004 Suzuki XL-7 has a chain drive instead of a belt. Very similar to the one pictured above.

  3. Chain drive Mac with solid rear tires. My Grandfather drove a chain drive Mac as a fuel oil delivery man in Detroit and he swore they were the best in snow and ice.

  4. These old trucks did a lot of work! I collect rubber tire ashtrays and they
    made these tire ashtrays in 1915- 1920, Goodyear and Firestone made several
    different models with brass ashtrays. Very hard to find because of the wartime
    scrap drives. If you have any, show me!
