Saturday, July 2, 2022

Another Good Thing About Summertime


Traeger Grills Pro Series 575 Wood Pellet Grill and Smoker with Wifi  -  Wifi??


  1. China garbage. No thank you.

  2. The grill needs wifi so it can talk with your toaster and washing machine...

  3. All the better to communicate with our atavistic inner cave man, roasting his bison on a hot flame.

  4. My smoker connects with my phone via bluetooth - I am able to control the temperature with an app on my phone - this is very useful when smoking sausage as you can step from low temps to higher temps either based on time or based on the temperature of the meat (via a probe). I will be doing snack sticks this afternoon - it will start at 100 degrees for an hour to finish drying the surfaces of the sticks - then it will go to 125 for an hour - then to 175 until the internal temperature of the meat is 155. Then they go into an ice bath until completely cool.

    As those temperatures are so low, I supplement the smoke production with a cold smoke device.

    I went into some detail here because I know that you are becoming interested in Charcuterie and related fields of cookery. I imagine that the Wifi may have a similar use, but I don't know anything about Traeger.

  5. The internet was a mistake.....

  6. I'm seriously researching off-set smokers, narrowed down my choice to the Old Country Brazos. Made of 1/4" steel and after a 12 or 13 hour cook you have the finest tasting brisket you could sink your teeth in.

  7. One of the Traeger Pro 34's on my back porch as of Saturday morning. Already a full 20lb bag of pellets through it. Compliments my smaller Z-Grill quite nicely. No less than 30lbs of freshly smoked meats and veggies in the fridge and freezer right now, packed for lunches and quick fix meals if either of us is working. I don't have wifi on either one since it forces me to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. I do have a wifi thermometer, but I don't connect it to anything.
