Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A sailor onboard the Battleship USS Texas as it navigates on North Atlantic convoy duty, 1942.



  1. Those sound powered phones didn’t change at all for more than 50 years.

  2. Been on that ship where it is at the San Jacinto monument adjacent to Houston Texas. A BIG ship, especially to an eight year old boy.

    1. Got a nice gash on my head exploring that ship at about that age then did it again when I took the grandkids to explore....that was deja ouch!

  3. Kid is from somewhere south. Freezing. Note the guy on the left background in a tee shirt. Maybe from Duluth?

  4. flic probably taken in off-season in the North Atlantic...if there is such a thing?!.

  5. My guess is he is standing a "fog watch". He'll be at the bow to let Officer of the Deck know just before they hit something.

  6. Reminds me of The Lone Sailor statue. Rumor at time was nuke showed artist how the peacoat was really worn after numerous official heroic poses were considered.

  7. I vote with LivingFossil. I stood that duty on Epperson, DD719, while leaving Seattle. I wore glasses, and between the rain and fog I couldn't see a thing. Water coming over the foredeck. Know what saltwater does to leather shoes? There was a whole fleet of fishing boats out there in front of us and by the time they appeared out of the fog, I wasn't sure we could have maneuvered to avoid one. I suspect we were depending on our radar, rather than upon me - because I was useless.

  8. uh, that capstan...
