Thursday, June 2, 2022

Your Friendly Smile of the Morning



  1. Pier looks like a sweet, innocent angel, but she wound up dying of a drug overdose 50 years ago at 39.

  2. Any idea if that medallion on her wrist is anything but decoration?

  3. Wasn’t she dating James Dean when he died?

    1. IMDb says yes, while she was in the second year of marriage to her first husband.
      Party Girl. Life in the fast lane, then crash.

    2. I thought James Dean was light in the shoes if you know what I mean. A friend of Judy so to speak.

  4. Fooled me - I thought that was a young Donna Reed (It's A Wonderful Life). She certainly is easy on the eyes - tragic ending.

  5. Different Anonymous here, from imdb trivia:
    “In a 1989 television interview with Skip E. Lowe, actor John Ericson and his wife, actress Karen Ericson, claimed that Pier Angeli did not commit suicide. They said that her twin sister, actress Marisa Pavan, told them Pier had gotten sick. A doctor came to the house and gave her medication that she had a negative reaction to; her tongue swelled and she choked to death. The reaction, however, was delayed, so she died after the doctor had left her house. The rumors quickly spread that she had taken her own life.“

  6. Not sure why my comment was deleted. It was a picture of her from 2019 with fluorescent blue hair and crazy makeup that’s all.
