Tuesday, June 7, 2022

This is the Way



  1. Looking at other peoples cheezy fambly photo albums is getting old.

    1. @GS, of course, you have a choice - just don't look.

    2. You're about as fun as a barrel of warm spit.

      It's too bad you're not strong enough to fight off the asshole who has the gun to your head and is making you look at images on someone else's website.

      Maybe you should change your name to "postgriper"...

    3. Hotel got triggered to the point of behaving like a little gurl.
      Clue: I'll write what I want and you don't have to read it.

    4. Hahahahahahahahahaha, triggered? You're a funny little shit aren't you?

  2. Rickvid in SeattleJune 7, 2022 at 10:13 PM

    Fanksh shmom n' dshad...

  3. I have to agree with Ghostsniper on this, but probably for different reasons. I far prefer to look at cat pron and stories, such as at www,lovemeow.com.
    Some of the worst times I had when contracting were when the clients had "Family Day" and I had to endure noisy kids running around the CAD engineering area.
    One place did this every quarter, and I finally had enough. I downloaded an atrocity photo of a child killed by the Israelis and set that as my background for the day on my biggest monitor, where everyone could see it. Others did similar things. The next day the client supervisor told us grouches that we could take the day off and work the Sunday instead.(As an aside, I thought it amusing that the client had no problem allowing downloads of such pictures, but didn't allow viewing of D&D or GW figures. Too violent).
    CW's site, so his rules. I just skip by these pictures, and remember that I donate $25/month to PP.

  4. It is refreshing to see these photos (unfiltered) of the true America, God bless 'em.

  5. I like the big family picts
