Friday, June 3, 2022

This is the Way



  1. Excellent! Agreed.

  2. I dunno.. Looks like the little one in Mama's arms is flashing some kind of gang sign.

  3. Hmmmmm.....The one in the checkered shirt looks a little darker than the rest. Methinks there's an ethnic minority in the wood shed.

  4. Extra Bonus Points awarded for the 100% White Male Toxicity gifted to America by this beautiful family.
    Pardon me while I reach for a Kleenex, a product of Kimberly-Clark.

    Addendum- John A. Kimberly and Charles B. Clark were a couple of White guys too. What are the odds???
    No wonder their tissues are white! How h8ful!

  5. Yeah, but how about showing a family where the mom puts on about 30 or 40 lbs after the third child, like all women do. I mean, she looks about 16 so if those kids are hers, there's some explaining to do about statutory something or other.

    1. This comment defines "misanthrope"

    2. How so? Sorry, but every single woman I've ever known who had multiple kids put on weight and years. It's not always a bad thing, A little maturity shows the spirit of the woman. But it is reality. Having 3 kids and still looking like a 16 year old skinny girl is not reality.

    3. Oh, I don't know. Having three boys to chase around the house and keep out of mischief sounds like a pretty good weight loss plan to me.
