Sunday, June 12, 2022

NorCal gas station sold gas at 69 cents per gallon due to ‘glitch’

A Rancho Cordova, California gas station accidentally gave some drivers relief from high gas prices.

The glitch happened at a Shell gas station in Rancho Cordova that reportedly caused a pump to sell at the low price of only 69 cents, according to a man that posted about it on Instagram and spoke with local media. 

Gas was listed at $6.99 per gallon, but a different placement of the decimal point meant that it was being sold at 0.69 cents.  Yeah!  Where the price of gas should be.


  1. Unless whoever made that mistake is the owner or their family the odds are they better start looking for a new job. That was an expensive mistake/

  2. The article says it lasted a few hours, but not if it lasted until they sold out or until they hit the kill switch and changed the price.

    Don't know about CA, but I'm pretty sure there's a law here in Florida that they can't change the price more than once a day. I think that's left over the '70s gas crisis.

  3. Math is hard because of those tricky decimal points.

  4. seems like stealing to me.
