Friday, June 3, 2022

Labs win hands down



  1. Missouri should be beagle, but they shut down the huge puppy farm North of Rolla in the 80's.

  2. Based upon what?

    I lived in Florida for 7 years in 3 towns. Might have seen 1 German Shepherd.

    Chihuahuas and pits were everywhere though.

  3. Lab? Never heard of 'em

  4. My favorite dog is the one I have now. Over the course of my 70+ years I've had many, many dogs and they were all my favorite at the time. Nearly all of them were strays or came from the local pound and I loved all but one. Dumb as a rock and wouldn't stay here on the farm and when he ate he sprayed dog food all over the shop floor.

  5. I prefer Boykin Spaniels for my type of duck hunting. Labs are to big & clumsy for my sneak boat.

  6. Labs are great dogs, loyal, smart and gentle but I can't believe this poll either.
