Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Breakfast, anyone?



  1. For a split second I thought the title read: "Breastfast Anyone" and I was about to jump in with both feet for a dining feast.

  2. Looks like eggs over potatoes & ham, lots of ham too!

  3. Shooters Grill, Rifle Colorado. Louren Boebert's restaurant? Where else would you see big guns like that when ordering food? But, then I don't get out much these days with gas prices.

    1. Yes, that's from Shooters Grill. Gotta love Lauren Boebert. She's got more backbone than 90% of the girly men in Congress. If I'm ever within 50 miles of there, I'm going to that restaurant. The haters have tried to destroy the restaurant with bad reviews, but real people say it's a great place to eat.

    2. I like everything in this photo.

  4. Too bad she can carry anything with magazine capacity over 15 rounds legally in Colorado

    1. Apparently the nice lady is armed with a revolver.

  5. Typical USA. The shoot one another so often even the waitress requires a gun. I have simple, and effective solution. Put the guns away children.

    1. "Adullamite: The Adullamites were a short-lived anti-reform faction within the UK Liberal Party in 1866." So in other words, an Eastern UK Village liberal embracing obsolete ideals? Got it. In spite of those shortcomings, I think the Queen is really terrific. Cheers.

    2. The waitress doesn't 'require' a gun. She's carrying one because it's her God given Constitutional right to carry one. And I can guarantee you the Shooters Grill is one of the last places you'll be reading about a mass shooter incident happening.

      An armed society is a polite society. Unlike societies in heavily gun restricted places like the south side of Chicago and Uvalde's Robb Elementary School.

      Hope this helps. But I doubt it will.

    3. “Typical USA”? Would you rather we go to knives like London and other areas to the point that Landon’s mayor tried to outlaw kitchen knives? Oh yah, that’ll fix everything.

    4. Don't you hate it when your shit filled thong gets twisted like that?

    5. It's a troll, ignore it.

    6. you could have been silent and only thought to be a fool, but you had to speak up and prove that you are a fool. Oh, and stupid also.

    7. Ha ha! Censorship is alive and well in the Free USA! Show me where God 'gives the right' to carry a gun. Black kids carrying knives in London do so because they watch US movies. And we know how violent those are, reflecting US thought. Not many guns in the free world, not many shootings. Less knife usage in any nation than in any US city.

    8. Wow, how stupid! Name an American movie that focuses on knife fights, Japanese movies love their blades, short or long but have little violence in their streets. Or course they don't allow the importation of 3d world barbarians with a seventh century mindset.
      But go ahead and banish knives, and clubs and stones (good luck with that); and then you'll find that you will live under the rule of the many over the few, the young over the old, the strong over the weak and always males over the females.

    9. Anonymous doesn't know muslim immigrants ("Black" kids) are what made blades so popular in the UK?
      And everyone still in the middle east is well armed.
      What a silly bunt.


    10. "Ha ha! Censorship is alive and well in the Free USA!. And yet, here your comment remains, for all to see, and here you are, complaining at taking a little cheap heat for your puerile comments. Get a dictionary, dummy: 'Censorship' may be found under the letter 'c'.

  6. looks like good eatin!! and the plate of food looks good, too.

  7. Shooter's Grill. Good regional food, decent prices, and friendly service. Parking in Rifle can be a challenge.

  8. Just rode the Zephyr through Rifle the other day… beautiful country.

  9. Not too far from Glenwood Springs. Had a beer or two in Rifle.

  10. Lauren Boebert's food joint. Mighty fine!

  11. Did no one else notice that she is wearing the wrong belt? That wimpy crap is okay for just holding up your pants, but not so good for supporting and controlling a holster. Belt needs to be stiff, so it doesn't sag like her's does, and allow the gun to move around.

    1. Considering she wears that rig eight hours a day while she waits tables I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt regarding what works for her. And she is a working gal. I saw her in several photos of the staff at Shooters Grill.

      Besides, if the only complaint you have about what's sagging on her is her belt that's your problem, not hers.

    2. Elmo, I generally only comment/criticize on things that I think a woman can control, like makeup, or gun gear. Frankly, I'm wondering if the gun and holster are issued by the business. I would expect her to have issues trying to draw from that setup. Holster fit for females is a bigger problem than for males, due to the body shape and size differences. That's not even considering the complicating factor of their clothing. Virtually all holsters are designed by, and intended for, males.

  12. Either she’s very small, or else proportionally that must be a “N” frame Smith with some well worn Hogue grips...
