Monday, June 6, 2022

A British Columbia music teacher who saw a bear lurking outside the school where he works managed to drive the animal away by playing the trombone.

 As Glen Reynolds said, if that didn't work, there was always an accordion in reserve!

Over a period of several days, a black bear had been attracted to the smell of the school’s trash cans, which are kept outside in a wooden structure and not accessible to wildlife.

Music teacher Tristan Clausen said one of his students left the classroom through the outside door, but quickly retreated back inside when she saw the bear.

“I have a saxophone, a trumpet and a trombone behind my desk, so I grabbed the largest one that could make the most noise, which was the trombone, and started playing it as loud as I could as I walked toward the bear,” Clausen said.

“I was thinking at the time that I should have learned the A&W theme song beforehand. Apparently, the bear didn’t care for my playing because he ran into the woods and I haven’t seen it since.”

Clausen said he wasn’t scared during the incident.

“I wasn’t far from the door, but I could tell that the bear was frightened, which is why I wasn’t frightened myself,” he said.


  1. (Old Tech) The bagpipes have been scaring the shit out of everyone for centuries.

    1. Well, if you ever have the playing is awful! I have a son who sounds great on the pipes. We get a few bears around here - will have to try that...with a backup plan, that is...

  2. An accordian would've worked, too.

  3. Too bad he didn't play a CD of Twisted Sister screaching out "We're Not Gonna Take It". It would have sent the Yogi impersonator bounding off on its 2 hind legs with his front paws over his ears.

    1. I would have paid to see a video of the position of his appendages being reversed.

  4. I personally think he should have used the sax and palyed "Yakity Sax" which would be the perfect selection for a bear running away. Or a bear turning around and chasing you!
