Saturday, February 19, 2022

Sea Speed



  1. As sailors say, "the tilt and grin", the more you tilt(heel) the MORE you GRIN until you capsize :-)

    Whenever two sailboats are on heading the same way a subtle "Race" occurs. Gone is the lazy that's good enough mainsail angle as we tighten up our lines :-)

    My little homemade sharpie trailer Sailer costs less than ONE of their sail winches but I love my weekend camping-fishing trips :-)

  2. I can repair anything on a blow boat but I don't sail on one, I'm a smoker you might say. Gas, oil, smoke & loud exhaust is much more fun.

  3. Sea speed on foils

  4. I can't think of anything done more natural! ALSO LEGAL!

  5. Too bad about the plastic sails, the old vertically seamed cotton went with these designs, the carbon and mylar not so much. And yes, a simple sharpie is just ass much fun, maybe more.
