Monday, February 28, 2022

During WW2, the Germans built fake wooden airfields with wooden aircraft and vehicles in order to trick the Allies, however, the RAF responded by waiting for them to finish and then dropped a single fake wooden bomb on it.



  1. Stubborn people with a fine sense of humor..

  2. Kinda like the story of the British airline pilot who was being chastised by a Franfurt ATC. His reply was something to effect of " I'm sorry, the last time I was here, it was at night, and I didn't land"

    1. A story was told in a book about a Sears executive in Japan in the early 70s and at a meeting the Japanese vendors were giving him a hard time. At some point during the meeting, he was asked if this was his first trip to Japan. "No, it's my eighteenth but only the first time I landed."

  3. Deja vu much. That picture and story was seen at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks.
