Friday, October 22, 2021




  1. Makes you wonder, how many times did he get brake checked?

    1. Loggers don't get brake checked. Not if the car driver is smart. I grew up in Washington state in the 60's (before it turned blue) and we used to camp in the Cascade Mountains or the Olympic peninsula almost every weekend. Getting to some of the camp sites required driving on logging roads and connecting highways. If you got ahead of a logging truck hauling a load through the foothills, you had to be on your toes. The truck would fall behind going uphill so your car would crest sooner. But if you weren't doing 80 mph going downhill by the time the truck crested, then pull off the road and get out of the way cuz that truck is coming downhill and picking up speed fast and he's NOT going to stop for your little 4 wheeler. Just get off the road and let him pass.

  2. Replies
    1. I remember once when there was flooding is Southern California and San Bernardino enlisted some of the Euclid yard trucks from my dad's gravel pit to haul rock to shore up the Santa Ana River bank. There were cops at every street light to make sure trucks didn't have to stop. One broke down and sank through the road pavement while waiting for a mechanic.

  3. 9' log??

    I want one 3" slab for a table top.

  4. Another truck carried a heavier load two days prior:
    The balls of the logger who felled that tree.

  5. I bet his asshole cut button holes in that seat all the way to the yard.
