Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The South Pole Sees Record Cold Winter, Smashing 1976 Record

 The Global Warmists find this data frustrating.

There was a record Antarctic winter this year (April to September) at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station with average of -61.1 ° C, the coldest on record.

University of Wisconsin researcher Matthew Lazzara was “in awe” over the record cold. In an interview, he said "it was around minus-100 degrees on numerous occasions.”

It’s also reported that Russia’s Vostok Station dipped to minus-110.9 degrees F (minus-79.4 Celsius) just days ago, which according to the WaPo was just one degree (0.6 Celsius) from the world’s lowest temperature on record during October.


  1. Fake news: it only got colder because of global warming.

  2. It'll only be frustrating for as long as it takes to 'adjust' the data.

  3. Update: Weather and climate are two different things folks. Maybe do some reading now that Faceboob is down.

  4. Dry ice or solid carbon dioxide sublimates at -109.8 °F which is about a degree warmer than Russia's Vostok measurement. I believe to temperature for dry ice was measured at Standard Atmospheric Pressure and the temperature would be lower at a higher altitude. Imagine breathing out and having both your moisture and CO2 forming frost. Our planet is more imperiled from cold or an ice age than by any predicted warming.

  5. It still will be reported a record warmest year, or maybe if they give in 2nd warmest year Ever.

  6. Send Greta down there to complain about the Global Warming.
