Sunday, October 10, 2021




  1. There must be a two seat training variant of this? This is the military plane I would like to get a ride in.

    1. They built 3 2-seaters in the early 80’s. I think one crashed & the other 2 are museum pieces somewhere I believe. It was designed as a dedicated night ops version. The advent of effective night vision goggles pretty much killed that idea. When A-10’s first came out they didn’t have autopilot, inertial navigation systems, or much in the way of integrated avionics. And your first flight in it was solo. I wrenched on those 2 in the picture from 95-97 while assigned to the 355 Fighter Squadron at Eielson AFB, AK. Had almost 16 years working on Hawgs at 7 different bases.

    2. I always thought that the OA-10A FACs would've been more effective as two-seaters. A dedicated observer providing an extra set of eyes would be invaluable in that mission.

  2. They make my sticker peck out...

  3. When you find yourself in trouble there's nothing like dialling up one of these.

  4. There was a two seater made, maybe a one off

  5. The "AK" of combat air craft. I wrenched on F-105's and F-102's. Kinda dates me, eh?

    1. LOL ...yup. I remember 102’s as a kid at Loring and Thuds were being phased out of the ANG & Reserve units about the time I enlisted. Last time I saw one fly it was being used as a ground attack during an exercise at Myrtle Beach AFB in 81 or 82. Haven’t seen a Deuce since the 106 came out.

  6. BTW...I just read an article where the USAF finally STOPPED trying to get these scrapped from inventory.....too damned good at what they do, I'm guessing!

    1. The Blacksnakes out of Fort Wayne,IN still fly them. And even a civilian like me feels better and more secure knowing that they are up there ready to go.

    2. I heard that the AF finally saw the light when they were told that the mission of CAS would be given back to the Army if they didn't quit yapping. The AF is run by the fighter mafia, and they don't like low & slow down in the weeds. They don't call them "zoomies" for nothing.
      Take away ground support, and a lot of the AF's reasons to fly get real iffy. The Army should get it back anyway. One tends to do a better job when the guys you are supporting wear the same uniform.
