Sunday, October 3, 2021

It just needs a cannon or two to be complete


Ripsaw EV3-F4, 2020. A personal recreational tank produced by Howe & Howe is currently being offered by Hemmings Auctions. Based around a high-strength tubular steel exoskeleton, it is powered by an 800hp 6.6-litre Duramax turbo-diesel V8. The cabin is supported by air springs to isolate it from the forces encountered by the tracks.


  1. And I thought the Charger was badazz… Wow!

  2. The problem with All-Terrain-Vehicles is that the terrain always wins.

  3. Replies
    1. Government Motors - just say no to socialism!

  4. Google the site selling it and within 10 minutes your phone rings constantly from robo calls offering an extended warranty.

    1. My phone already rings constantly from robo calls offering an extended warranty.

  5. Does it come with a mechanic and full shop o'tools?

  6. Awful lot of glass for a "tank". What's the old saying? "He who drives glass tanks shouldn't fire cannons" or something like that?:-).

    Look kewl though, so it's got that going for it. Which is nice:-P.

  7. Out in the middle of nowhere, totally alone and the main computer shuts down. As the old hydraulic guy at my former employer would say. "Notice how they back up electronics with mechanical, but never the other way around"!

    1. is it roadable?? to err is human to really screw up pneudraulics.

  8. It is a bit out of my price range at a starting bid of $425K

  9. Uh, no.

    Recreational ATV, yes.
    Tank? Nyet.

    Wouldn't even stand up to a withering barrage from a Daisy Red Ryder and a milk carton of Golden BBs, let alone anything with more kinetic oomph.

    Better off with the genuine article.
    Even a Ferret Scout Car has more to recommend it.
