Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How many times do we have to tell Floyd not to put his finger in the light socket?



  1. I know it's kind of funny but looking at his attire and then looking into those eyes, I think he's seen things.

  2. Identify the ordnance. Looks like a Mauser action of some kind.

    1. I would agree. Flag safety and recoil lug say Mauser but what’s with the Mannlicher style clips in his belt?

    2. Could have scavenged some ammo off the DBs on the battlefield. He has that look about him. Battle hardened.

    3. The gent is about 4' 10" check out the size of that 98 compared to him.

  3. His hair maybe a bit on the wild side....but that is one stone cold man who has seen and done things.

  4. Ethiopian patriot soldier, 1941 This a picture of war hero Ebeneser Lembe who was renowned in Ethiopia for his tactics and skills as a marksman. He was also known as Genchuka Belik meaning Gator Skin in Ethiopian, Because he has been shot many times and managed to survive

  5. Thanks for that. I was just going to bet that he was Ethiopian, fighting the Italians, but I didn't know how to confirm it.
