Friday, September 17, 2021

The glaciers are growing



  1. Anyone know where this is? At first I thought it might be Mendenhall (Juneau) and thought: Damn!


  2. If that is true you can count on all the important and self-important lefties to come there in their private airplanes to make sure it won't happen again.

  3. False. Despite most of the innumerable glaciers worldwide retreating, one of the few unusual glaciers that maintains in a state of equilibrium, so not growing. Why lie man?

  4. No doubt because the glaciers are "retreating" in the exact same way the polar bears are all dying off.

    Once the masters (who run men like VectorWarbirds) have control of what research may be done, and with whom it may be shared, honest and careful inquiry among hoi polloi dies.

    All we have left are simple images and statements reminding us that the creature painted in black and white stripes *right in front of us* is still not a zebra. Even if we cannot say for sure if it's a mule, or a horse, or a carousel toy.

    It is why Uttar Pradish is doing better with our (now) self-inflicted-pandemic deaths than the USA: or why the VectorWarbirds are smugly sure that a Nobel Prize-winning drug is "just horse paste."

  5. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Owl Gore?
