Monday, February 15, 2021

Wrong place, wrong time



  1. That looked like it might have been a leg flying up at 1 o'clock.

  2. Hopefully that was not an American Patriot Trump supporter who voiced his oppo to the fake 2020 election results camping somewhere in the US.

  3. Watching some random poor bastard get turned into a red mist is what passes of entertainment here now? Ya might wanna rethink that one a little bit.

    1. You gullible idiot, you made up the part about "entertainment", lying slab of rancid animal shit.

    2. Same unknown guy here. Not quite sure how to take your rather vitriolic reply. Care to elaborate?

    3. It is much more entertaining than the upcoming third Trump impeachment.

    4. "Entertainment?" No. Satisfying to see what appears to be a bomb-loving, murderous Muslim Taliban/Jihadi getting his? Absolutely. As Shakespeare put it, "For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard..."

      The Taliban fight to impose their twisted, gutter religious philosophy on anyone in their path. No atrocity seems to be beneath them. Make a difference. Make the world a better place. Kill them all.

    5. "Entertainment?" No. Satisfying to see what appears to be a bomb-loving, murderous Muslim Taliban/Jihadi getting his? Absolutely. As Shakespeare put it, "For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard..."

      The Taliban fight to impose their twisted, gutter religious philosophy on anyone in their path. No atrocity seems to be beneath them. Make a difference. Make the world a better place. Kill them all.

    6. To unknown - perhaps you should just visit other blogs rather than to cast aspersion on this site. I found the video extremely satisfying, as I do with all the postings here (not so much the comments).

    7. Unknown here. You witness a fellow human that you know not who, where or when he is and you find his extremely violent death extremely satisfying and I'm the bad guy for gently suggesting that maybe such subject matter doesn't really fit with "Freckles They Are Good" and all the other beautiful posts on this site. I've visited this site for quite a while now and this is the first thing that I have found even remotely objectionable and I offer some constructive criticism concerning it and every reaction to my comments can be summed up as "hey unknown, you're a dick." Pretty funny really. And no I'm not a Biden voter. Not even close.

  4. No matter what you do; it’s going to be wrong in someone’s eyes...

    1. If you'd be OK with a small amendment:
      "No matter what you (say or) do; it’s going to be wrong in someone’s eyes..."

    2. Awe inspiring Open Road Fridays, Freckles galore, incredible hunks of aircraft and automobiles, Snow Loads, engine and cabin porn, the Fareo Islands, the Northern Lights, etc, etc, etc, etc. All a lovely feast for the eyes. Then some Prig comes along and gently suggests that all of the above might not possibly comport well with a straight up Snuff Film and its "oh God, not one of these tossers again is it?, Bloody hell!"

  5. War sucks. Avoid it if possible. If you can't avoid it, be better than the other side.

    1. "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." ~ G.S. Patton

  6. Any idea what caused the explosion? I was expecting it to be some sort of laser guided bomb or missile, but I am not getting a glimpse of either.

    1. Wire-guided something?

    2. Red dot is a laser designator. The blast pattern looks pretty small, either a SDE bomb (one of the new small diameter ones in the 100lb range, but highly accurate), or a Hellfire (probably from a drone). No way its a Pave-Low or a JDAM - blast would have been massive.

  7. At least he went out with a big ole bang, prolly better than he could have ever imagined, but I digress.

  8. FB will not allow this to be posted. Anywho. Knock, knock. Who's there? Allah. Allah who..........

  9. At first I wondered what was going on, but then I realized it was probably a laser guided bomb or some sort. (T Town) We don't see the bomb coming in because we are watching consumer grade video and from one frame to the next the bomb has traveled a hundred feet. If you dissected the video you might be able to spot it. Part of my confusion was the firefly was moving. I would expect it would need to sit still, but then I realized that since the firefly was moving relatively slowly, the bomb would have no trouble following it.

  10. That is a wire or optically guided anti-armor rocket of some sort. The moving red dot is the tracking beacon on the ass end. it moves because someone is pushing on a little joy stick to guide it onto the target. They always move like that, it's how you can tell it is operator guided vs. fire and forget.

  11. Oh, the stress: the poor chap went completely to pieces!

  12. TOW missile launched from a ground launcher. The glowing dot is a IR source the sights use to track the missile as it flies down range. You keep the crosshairs on target and the sights do all the work.

    1. Notice the guy kinda 'buggies' a little bit just before the explosion.
      Think he heard it?

  13. I think the better way of looking at this is considering the reality that this is how they will be doing Ruby Ridge from now on.
