Monday, February 15, 2021

This moose looks annoyed, and an annoyed moose is a dangerous moose



  1. I was camping in a north Idaho back-country airstrip. On the edge of a small lake. There were a couple of moose's at the far edge from me. I slept under open sky that night and early the next morning I awoke to something blowing in face. I opened my eyes and there was a moma moose sniffing me. Her snout was no more than 3 inches from my face. I pretended to go back to sleep. Her and her calf wandered off with no more interest in me. It was quite alarming.

    1. Good thing she is vegetarian, unlike a wolf.

    2. Vegetarian or not, she’ll still tear you a new one...

  2. She looks yummy to me.
    Sliced about an inch and a quarter thick, pan fried medium rare in salt pork renderings, and served with roasted carrots and a great big Maine baked potato.

  3. Probably a herd of fellow meeses nearby.

  4. Late winter bull. Antlers have been shed. Moose have notoriously bad eyesight. This one looks curious as to what made the noise. If he was annoyed or felt threatened, his ears would be flat back. THAT's a very bad sign when that happens cause you ain't outrunnin' big, brown & fuzzy.
