Monday, February 8, 2021

Mondays, they're like that



  1. Needs more speed, could have made it doing 120mph. Go big, or go home.

    1. Not without some wings to generate some lift. Or an inclined ramp.

  2. Stupid is as stupid does. Chucky Darwin is smiling.

  3. In a minivan no less. The Dicks of Hazard.

  4. If there was a survivor, it's a miracle.

  5. Dramatic video has been released of a 56-year-old Dutch man failing to jump a drawbridge and crashing into the water below.

    Police say that the driver raced underneath the security barrier before attempting the Hollywood-esque stunt. But, the script did not go to plan as his front bumper crashed into the nose of the concrete barrier, causing the vehicle to flip and land in the water.

    It has been estimated that the gap was around five metres – clearly the driver hoped that ambition would trump physics. Physics won.

    Bizarrely, the 56-year-old was taken to hospital with injuries he sustained after landing in the water. He broke some ribs and punctured a lung after falling onto a concrete barrier while escaping from the water. But, as the video above shows, this was a miraculous escape in what could have been a fatal accident.

    The bridge was closed for several hours while a crane hoisted the car out of the water. - Independent, July 2015

  6. Never seen a sliding bridge like that.
    Even Jake and Ellwood, on a mission from God, wouldn't have tried that stunt.
