Thursday, February 4, 2021

I'm sure his sisters enjoyed being around little Bobby and his 500 shot cap gun



  1. Tommy guns in outer space!!!

  2. I don't remember if anyone I knew had one of those. What I do remember is we were frugal with our caps. Blowing off a 500 roll was reserved for special occasions. Even hammering on a 100 roll was a rare event.

  3. I am so blessed to have been born at the right time to have enjoyed the little pleasures available to kids then. Even if our parents could not afford some of the toys, we usually knew someone that had them and would share. We also had something else that kids today don't have ....hope for the future.

  4. You know, for a toy these cap guns look pretty realistic. the F-500 Fury was a bit fantasy, but the Mustang Peace Maker looks actual size of a real Colt Peace Maker. I remember those days well, and I agree with oldvet. I'm so glad I had a chance to enjoy those cool toys then. Wish I still had a few of them I had back then.
