Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Find the copperhead



  1. He does blend right in, doesn't he? Last one I killed made the mistake of moving when the missus was using a garden hose. They (being 'highland moccasins') generally aren't as ornery as their cousin, the cottonmouth ('lowland moccasin').

  2. *checks under a foot of snow and -18°*

    Haven't found one yet...

  3. Spoiler ahead...... Put your mouse pointer in the middle of the top edge then scroll down until you hit a green leaf. He's just to the left.

    1. Yup, just a bit above center line of pic over on the left side with his head elevated under the ground maple leaves

  4. You guys go on ahead. I'm going back after my kevlar chaps!

  5. My late BIL was bitten on the shoulder while walking under a tree branch when he was 12 yrs old. Fast forward 20 some odd years and he is working for my father. They go to open a door at a seldom used building and my BIL grabs my dad and says that there are copperheads in that building. Don't remember how many they killed but my BIL could smell them after being bit by one.

    1. Do his pupils become vertical slits in the sunshine?

    2. MY POP had a REDLAB and she got bit on the foot and Thank goodness she lived. She would come get me everytime she found one, SHE never failed. BUT, she had more sense than LOTS of folks I know.

  6. It’s about six feet away; I know that because that’s how far I would have jumped.

  7. So, avoid clear areas covered by leaves and small branches...

  8. Lived in KY for 20 years. Had a good friend that was a "woodsman". Knew every kind of tree, even in winter. He could smell copper heads too. Said it smelled like cucumbers.
    He was plumb freaked out about snakes.

  9. You've used this once before 'bout 20ish MO.'s ago...I Couldn't find/see it then, either...

    1. Damn thing would have gotten me...still can't see it....

  10. Am I looking for a snake or a one cent coin? I we are looking for snakes show a current photo of congress.
