Thursday, February 18, 2021

1,500,000 needed, so there is a glimmer of hope for California



  1. If the petitioners are smart, they'll take a page from the Democrat playbook and stick a few hundred thousand verified 'gold' signatures in their back pocket for.....emergency use when the 'irregularities' start to wreak their havoc on the signature verification. And if they're really smart, they'll force legislators to agree to signature verification procedures and get them written into the State Code in indelible ink.

  2. They using Dominion machines to tally the numbers?

  3. I signed eleventy-seven times and I don't even live there.

  4. OK, so 2 or 3 million people sign a petition to oust Governor Hairgel, which will accomplish......

    What makes anybody think he gives shit one about the opinions of 2 o3 million people that don't like him?

  5. ~40 million reside within CA and only a measely ~1.5MM sigs to recall a totalitarian guvnah nearly universally despised.

    A SecState appointed by the same despised guvnah who owes her very job to him? A true believer, you think she will not sabotage the recall which had already in the recent past been sabotaged by the former SecState who is now a part of the Creepy Jobama admin. C'mon, man!

  6. And a new Governor with the same Socialist Legislature...

  7. I have little doubt that some commie black robed pirate will pull a reason out of his ass to disallow most of these signatures or somehow find a way to block the recall effort.

  8. It's NOT a complete "Recall", the signatures are required to have a Spot on the Voting Ballot THEN all the Voters can choose to remove or not. I've seen a dozen comments just like the one above "yeah 40 Million people in California and it only takes a Million+ Signatures to remove him?...that's Not right" Duh, yeah because that's NOT what's happening.
