Wednesday, July 22, 2020

F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-111 Aardvark, F-15 Eagle, A10 Warthog (Brrrrrrrt)


  1. They could all go "Brrrrt!", but the A-10's was bigger and badder. And the F-111's was an optional load that was rarely used.

  2. hen a Warthog lands at a civilian airport, they station an ellistd man at the front. he does PR things, bt his main task is to keep people from rotating the cannon. rotating the cannon fires the cannon

    the cannon has a propeller like shroud. this disperses the gases from the cannon. before they figured this out, a couple of Warthogs shot themselves down when the cannon exhaust flew into the left engine and it flamed out.

  3. Something funky in the perspective on the picture. I've been up close with all four aircraft and the FB-111 is huge next to the others.

  4. Calling in cas from the ground, in theater, with the Brrrrdt on station- life changing experience.
    Everything since has been completely disappointing.

  5. you forgot to mention the 2 stealth fighters one at the top and the other at the bottom of the shot.

  6. Each one is a legend. The Warthog and the Eagle are feared around the world.
