Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dinosaurs are not extinct


  1. Hey, I'm still alive. The yutes in the lab used to call me a dinosaur at work......

  2. I had my one and only blind date back in 1963 with its sister.

  3. That's not a dinosaur; it's Madame Speaker in the morning before that 1st cup of coffee and make-up. OK, OK, OK! It's a dinosaur....

  4. We went to Guantanamo Bay Cuba while on a Caribbean deployment. Those damned iguanas are EVERYWHERE! The folks stationed there told me they would have blackouts caused by one of these small dinos quick cooking itself on one of the power lines!

    We had a sailor that decided he would sneak up on one of them and pick it up. Well, he did and Mr Iguana was not to pleased about it. He spun around and started clawing the crap out of young much so that the sailor freaked out and would not let go of it! He was torn the hell up from the top of his ribcage down to just above his family jewels. We ended up leaving him there in the hospital when we left as wild iguanas have nasty written all over them and the cuts and scratches were all infected!

  5. Of course dinosaurs exists, how else do you account for supporters of the Gaslighter in Chief?
