Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Despite the left’s recent efforts to paint Trump as a racist and blame him for police brutality and the riots, Rasmussen Reports says that approval for President Trump amongst likely black voters is now over 40 percent.

I'm skeptical, but if even half true, it's a game changer.

I would believe that the trend is the same among other non-caucasian Americans.  After all, everyone wants safe streets, law and order, a booming economy, and solid police protection.  What unites us is far far more than what divides us.

Trump received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. In August 2019, black voter approval for Trump stood at 26 percent.

And rising.


  1. I want to see a landslide. It would be the end of the Democrats as we know them, which would be very good for the country as the Dems have revealed themselves to be nothing but a criminal organization dedicated to power at the expense of anyone in the way. Sadly, I expect lots of post-election violence, including deaths. It will obviously be due to leftists, but the media will continue to blame Trump.

  2. Antifa, et all, attack anyone they proclaim to be an enemy. Those "enemies" fight back. Media: "Trump Storm troopers Attack Mostly Peaceful Protesters!" Gotta love it.

  3. Black people (most black people) want to have jobs, personal prosperity and achievement and a future for their families. Same as everyone else.

    The race baiters, looters, pillagers, rapists and arsonists have a different agenda. 40% or near that makes sense.

    1. Same for Democrat voters, same.

      Soros is a sour milk in the American coffee. And for him, now till then is plenty of time.

      But the Children will stay and grow stronger now.

  4. The Democrats are well aware, very well aware, that is the reason for their frantic response. Punching in every direction, flinging mud and bombs with equal fervor; they don't know what to do, so they're doing it as hard as they can.
