Friday, April 24, 2020

Your Good News of the Day: Judge tosses California law requiring background checks for ammunition

And the law preventing shipment of ammo from out of state.

Why is it that Big Government always seeks to take your rights and your money?

For over 200 years, people were just fine buying and selling guns and ammo.  The statistics show that over the last, say, 40 years, violent crime has gone down.

You'd think the opposite was happening from the stories propagated by the main stream media.

Then, Big Government takes this mis-information and attempts to whip up political support for regulations that basically make it very difficult and expensive to freely exercise the rights of men given to us by God/Nature.

And the irony is that gun owners are hyper concerned with being law abiding and support, in most cases, obeying to the letter properly passed laws and regulations.  They aren't the problem.

They are the kind of people who are the natural allies of law and order.

Yet, they are the targets of those who believe that government needs to be involved in every aspect of the people's lives, that government permission must be asked for and received for every little act, and that the people should pay a healthy fee for the process.

Insanity.  Unless your goal is simply power.

That's why the founders of our republic were so wise to enshrine our rights in law, to limit the power of government, and to warn us away from allowing it to swell into a large and powerful entity.

Until then, thank your lucky stars that there are those, like this judge, that know to protect the people in their rights, and to put a brake on the howling, limitless thirst of the government for everything worthwhile that we possess.


  1. Judge born in Havana, fled Castro with parents.
    Appointed by Dubbya.
    Only the foolish tell themselves "elections don't matter".

    And unless the Ninth Circus, or SCOTUS, overturn this ruling, it's now federal precedent.

    1. I had a roommate in college who was born in Cuba, parents fled when he was a baby. He was very much an American, and totally appreciated our constitutional rights, because he knew what happened when those rights weren't there.

    2. This is great news. Not that it impacted me for I am stocked up. I think I will go buy more ammo just to celebrate this good news.

      The laws only control the law abiding. When more criminals are made, there are less law abiding. Therefore the law must become ever more punitive. Of course, punitive law makes more criminals. Tax and tax some more.


  2. Whe ya realize the common criminals who make the laws cherrypick which ones they abide by, it's liberating, you know, if you have the balls of a free man...

  3. CA's AG himself said over a six month period 750 persons were prevented from making illegal purchases. 750 over six months! That doesn't even rise to small pickings. That right there is evidence that the law is useless.

    CA has about 8 million gun owners. Tell me this wasn't about money and leftist street cred.

