Monday, April 13, 2020

The bike's wrecked, so just pick up your book and carry on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A perfect 10 for the dismount! I'm guessing the bike is a loaner.

  3. She saw him coming and put on her brakes... On the other hand, "pedestrian always has the right of way" laws are for idiots and Darwinian evolution.

    1. Except "bicyclist" and "pedestrian" aren't synonyms... Thanks for playin!

    2. Cars have the green light. She's expecting them to ignore their green light because she's in the crosswalk. Boom!

  4. Peddlefools.....They're all the same.
    Self centered with an overwhelming need to prove Darwins law.

  5. The pedestrians and bike riders do that in Russia a lot. See Russian crash videos. Honestly, the chicks especially just cross the street without a care in the world. Never bother to look either direction.

  6. Good Luck that's so incredible, it looks like a magic trick.

  7. There's some weird video trickery going on here. Look at how the length of her skirt magically changes near the end of the video. I think that this was staged and video edited.

  8. If it had been a mens bike with the top bar she wouldn't have landed on her feet like that. My next bike is going to be a girls' bike!

  9. Is she crossing against the light?
    Isn't that a green light for the car traffic that I see?

  10. This whole thing revolves around not taking responsibility for your actions.
    I grew up in the most populated city in the U.S.(at the time)and was crossing the streets on my own@ 7 y.o.
    Mom said "watch both ways" and I did it! [There was an 'or else' implied ].
