Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ok, NO! Kill it. Siphonophore Apolemia. 2020 is turning out to be quite the year. Is Cthulu next to show up?

World's longest animal (siphonophore est. at 46m length) discovered off W Australia from r/interestingasfuck
The ribbon-like thing is about as thick as a broomstick, according to the Schmidt Ocean Institute, and it looks like a snake’s body with fur spilling out of one side. That “fur” is actually an assortment of tentacles meant for snaring small creatures.


  1. Did they up and move April 1st ? What sort of sorcery is this ? 46 meters and thin as a broomstick ?

  2. It isn't one animal, it is hundreds of individuals linked together as a colony. This one just never got broken up by currents or predators feeding on it.

  3. The lexical rule is that both the genus and species names are italicized, but on the genus is capitalized (first letter only).
