Sunday, April 12, 2020

Another view on how to handle the virus deal


  1. On its way to becoming a very interesting data point, any way you cut it...

  2. The 1st video was released on the 1 April, the 2nd on 3 April. Today it's the 12th and according to there are 899 dead now, and 10,483 confirmed cases. That's a little over 8% dead with their economy hardly slowed down. The US is running almost 4% dead (under half of Sweden's death rate with 20,646 dead) with a lot of people out of work.
    A fair trade as far as I'm concerned...

    1. Not that it's beyond criticism, but the IHME model has done OK when tracking the maximum anticipated hospital requirements by country. It predicts that the US is going to peak around April 11th, so far it seems to be tracking. Sweden is predicted to peak May 3rd, adn they are just now starting up the curve.

      You can compare hospital resource projections here: (use the drop-down menu for US States and other countries) and also here: which, if you keep scrolling down, shows the trajectory of each country's daily COVID-19 fatalities.

    2. I wonder how many large Easter Sunday gatherings actually took place today?
