Monday, April 13, 2020

309th AMARG Aircraft and Missile Storage and Maintenance Facility - Retired A-10 Thunderbolt IIs sit at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group’s Aircraft and Missile Storage and Maintenance Facility on Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, August 2, 2017.


  1. Looks like they're robbing them for parts, engines & Avenger gatling guns missing, cowlings on the ground, etc. Kind of sad.

  2. Fair chance one was worked on by me at the 81st TFW

  3. Th Air Force has made many attempts to kill the A10 program, but it hasn't worked so far. When they realized the F35 wasn't going to work as well as the A10 in the ground support role, they decided to re-wing a bunch of the Warthogs, which extended the program through 2030.

  4. a couple of these landed at the airport where I learned to drive airplanes. there was an enlisted man stationed there with one job: prevent people from trying to rotate the Gatling gun. the gun fires when rotated.

    the gun is built around the 30 mm cannon. when the cannon wears out you scrap the plane.

  5. Two things the military has a hard time understanding is don't mess with success, don't fix it if it aint broke....why not keep making the A-10s until they don't work anymore, or there is no useful role for them?....I do not get it....I realize that the congress critters who had their pockets filled by the proponents of the F35 have a vested interest in putting it to rest, but you'd think that more sensible heads would prevail....

    1. Shhhhj, careful now. People have been disappeared for saying much less about our corrupt Congress critters.

  6. Silly me, comparison of a 30mm Gau-8a, 20mm from a Vulcan, 50 cal dug up on a England air base and a 9mm
