Monday, February 17, 2020

This would be a good option to overnight on the river or in the woods.


  1. Air is cooler in summer, but in winter, a foam pad is much warmer to sleep on. Much bulkier to transport however. A friend of mine ties a hammock diagonally for his sleep. Only problem he has is mosquitoes biting though the underside.

  2. I have spent a lot of nights in the bed of a pickup under a capper, tried both air and foam mattresses and the previous commenter is right about the warmth of a foam pad.

    Warmth is what I need since I hunt in Western Canada, usually just north of where Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan come together.

    1. I'd be using it in the summer in California. I have a pretty good sleeping bag, and between the two, I figure I'll be good. Unless it rains, at which point I'll have to retreat into the cab.
