Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Nopity, Nope, Nope.


  1. You gotta be praying for everything to go perfect to attempt either of those.

  2. Pretty good "exit" off the lil red bus on the bottom pic. But in both pictures they're playing way too close to impact for my comfort. Rarely took a jump below 2k when I was skydiving.

  3. heh. the french. still trying to clean up their gene pool the hard way.
    jumped out of perfectly good aircraft four times in my life, just couldn't decide if it was a stupid brave thing to do or just stupid. three static line and one free fall. the things the air force asked us to do that we willingly did. at any rate, it was a memorable experience. something to remember to not do unless the alternative was burning to death. anyway, just my opinion. to each their own.

  4. capt fast: "...perfectly good aircraft..." Aint no such thing; just ask your crew chief.

    Paul L. Quandt
    former USAFR crew chief

    1. my definition of perfectly good aircraft is one that was built by the lowest bidder yet still was flying above ground/water when I left it before it crashed. a very loose and flexible definition, it involves aircraft older than I am and I am going on 70. the first three were voluntary, the fourth was necessary and I will say the arctic ocean is painful to be in.

  5. Guy watches Wile E. Coyote in his green Acme Flying Suit, circa 1955.
    Sez to himself: "Hey, I can totally make that work with modern materials! Hold my beer!"

    Jumps it a few times.
    Eventually splatts all over the place anyways.

    1. I am imagining them flying themselves thru one of those wire fences. like cheese thru wire cutter.
