Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Despite heavy rain and a tornado warning, this guard continued his patrol of The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier from r/nextfuckinglevel


  1. The Old Guard.

    Not snowflakes.

  2. I've only visited once, but the dedication to duty exhibited by the guards at the tomb remains with me to this day.

  3. Chokes me up every time. A portion of America at its finest...something the indoctrinated clipped-hair nose ring wearing crowd hasn't a clue.

    1. I've been told by today's youths that my perceptions of them is not what they are about. I have serious news for them. Perceptions is everything when dealing with others. there is a difference.
      Old Guard membership is a privilege sought out by those men and women who have chosen service, honor, dedication, and patriotism above all else. Guarding our respected honorable dead is the highest honor a military member can be given.
      It is a shame that genX tools are so careless of these men and women.

    2. Think these "yutes" would have any understanding of "Taking Chance"? Doubtful, as you point out. Respectfulness and gratitude is a foreign concept when preferring to live in a protective fantasy bubble.

  4. I would think this particular duty is viewed in military circles as even more prestigious and honorable than even being assigned to guard a President.

    1. that is true and the standards are extremely high. having this duty on one's military resume' is extraordinary.

  5. Yes, it is, it was, and it always will be.

  6. These guys are always the best of the best. God bless them.
