Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I feel like I should sneeze


  1. think of millions of pine trees doing what that tree did, all about the same time. That happens every spring here in NC - and other southeastern states. We get a yellow coating on everything outside, and if the wind picks up a bit, we have a yellow haze in the air. Learned real quick after moving here that you don't keep your windows open in either car or home that time of year, unless you want to be cleaning every frickin' day.

    1. Yup I agree. It pisses me off I can't take the car out in the morning till I hose it down.

    2. Looks like a spruce tree to me, but whatever, I'm surrounded at my British Columbia cottage by about a trillion of them as well as pine and every year everything is yellow for a few months and I sneeze, hack and cough a lot.

      Beer helps.

    3. bogsidebunny - I find it helps if you give up all hope of keeping the car clean. Clean it every few days. Or Weeks. Revel in the cleanliness while you can for the few minutes you have it.

