Thursday, February 6, 2020

The News

The War Turtle, Cocaine Mitch McConnell, Strikes: Immediately After Impeachment Acquittal, He Files Cloture On More Judges To Remake The Judiciary.

The Senate is on track to confirm the 34th Circuit Court judge of Trump’s presidency in the next week and the GOP has three more ready for floor action; that would give Trump roughly 20 percent of the Circuit Court seats in the country after just two years in office. At this rate, McConnell and Trump could leave few, if any, vacancies there for a potential Democratic president in 2021.
Even more alarming for Democrats, the GOP is also preparing to pull the trigger on the “nuclear option” and change Senate rules once again with a simple majority to allow much quicker confirmation of lower court judges in the coming months. …
Trump currently has 128 District Court vacancies to fill, and each one can take multiple days under current rules if any senator demands a delay; if Republicans change the rules, Trump could conceivably fill most of those over the next 20 months.


  1. No matter what happens, the appointment of judges to the federal bench will be a lasting legacy of President Trump and the McConnell Senate. It's critically important that this work is completed.

    1. I'd like them put an end to this BS 'nation-wide injunction' crap. A federal judge, in any district, slaps down an injunction covering the entire nation? What a bunch of hooey!


  2. Good, get all the judges in place. Now, AG Barr, do your damn job and release the declassified DOJ and FBI documents, without redaction, which Congress asked for in 2018.

