Thursday, February 6, 2020

That's a mean looking hunk of armor.

M1 Abrams at Hohenfels Training Area during Combined Resolve 20, Germany. 31 Jan 2020
This image would be a lot more impressive if the right track wasn’t off.


  1. If that track comes off, they are looking at a lot of work. I've seen drivers take tanks on badly eroded trails in the back of Ft. Campbell. One tank in my company ended up in a situation similar to the one in the pick. It took 2 hours to get the track back where it should be so they could drive on.

  2. This is why the Rovers used wheels on Mars.

  3. At that angle it doesn't even make much of a pill box.

  4. Very nice, but why are American troops, equipment and materiel still in Germany?

    Can't the Krauts look after themselves after all these years.

    They can. They won't. To hell with them.

    1. On the other hand, twice last century we left the Germans to themselves and it turned out badly. Maintaining forces in Germany is much cheaper than fighting our way back in again.

      Paul L. Quandt

    2. At least it was thrown to the outside (of the roadwheels) and on the high side. Thrown to the inside is a whole 'nother level of PITA.

      Break track, hook up a recovery vehicle, and assist powering out with the left track. A good crew should have that tank recovered in a few hours.

  5. Drag it back on the road and there's a good chance the crew and 'walk' it back on. And tighten the damn thing.

    Done it dozens of times. If that doesn't work, though...

  6. I always liked going to Hohenfels. Usually was a combined exercise that started out in Grafenwoehr, then road march down to Hohenfels. Slept in the ruins of an old castle one night, all by myself because nobody else would join me. Had some pretty wild dreams, too.
