Saturday, February 22, 2020

No one's eyes are that green


  1. yeah, I used to know a lovely lady with eyes that green. in the sunlight, they sparkled like emeralds...sigh.

  2. MRSLL has eyes that are that green.

  3. It happens . . . but very rarely.

    1. I have to admit, though, this photo, and the makeup, and prep for this shot was quite extensive. So, the green eyes are questionable. Like I said, it is rare. When I was in High School, there was a teacher there, whose eyes were much greener than that. Very strange.

  4. I knew a bright red-haired brilliant green eyed beauty I met 35 years ago. After I got to know her intimately I discovered both her hair and eyes were, in fact, a washed out brown.

  5. Tinted contact lenses, but who would really care!

  6. My ex-wife's eyes were that green.Once, when she got really mad at me they got even darker. True story. When she was chewing me out (I deserved it that time ) all I could think of was how the color of her eyes had changed. Her brother told me about it. Amazing woman. We still talk.
