Monday, February 17, 2020

In Denver, two Bernie Bros got into a fist fight in the middle of a rally while Bernie Sanders, Democrat presidential candidate was on stage delivering a speech.

This bodes very well for lots of fun at the convention in Milwaukee later.  Leftists: always prone to violence, it seems.

Earlier Monday, fellow Democrat presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg swatted at the Bernie Bros, saying America doesn’t need their negative vibes.

First, Bloomberg is not a Democrat. Like Bernie, he's in the race because he smells weakness, and wants to exploit it.  He should accurately run on the Opportunist Party, sticking his finger in the wind to check the breeze.

As an aside, has Bernie ever fired those staffers of his who were fantasizing on camera about throwing people in gulags?


  1. I think that those who were fantasizing about throwing non-Bernie supporters into gulags were simply expressing policy preferences.

    And if Mayor Pete should have Bernie as a VP choice it would be the BUTT-BERN ticket. Bound to garner the vote in San Francisco.

  2. demwits= the party of petulant man(woman)children prone to violence and public tantrums. This is how they behave as losers, just imagine how they'd act as winners...

  3. If Bernie is "taken out": at the convention.....that city will burn. I have a feeling we will see a Democratic convention similar to the one in Chicago in 1968!! Gonna make good television!!

  4. Didn't think any Bernie Bros would have the balls to throw a punch, even if it was over a spilled soy-latte.

    Ol' Bernie is a windbag who loves the attention. At least he seems sincere, even if he's wrong on most counts. Bloomberg on the other hand is a nasty little sociopath, so it's no surprise he has the support of the establishment. Right now I'd put my money on Bloomberg to receive the nomination 'cause Bernie doesn't have the guts or will to win to fight for it.

    The dems will have the choice between a socialist peddling ideas that have been discredited for 40 years or a short-arsed fascist billionaire masquerading as a social justice warrior. Throw the undercover spook Butt-whatsisname into the equation and the dem offerings seem vastly inferior to Cankles 2016. And we know how that ended.
